NPTA & PCCA have partnered to bring you:

The Most Affordable & Accessible Pharmacy Technician Immunization Administration Training Program
for Technicians
  Pharmacy Technician Immunization Administration Training Program

The National Pharmacy Technician Association’s Pharmacy Technician Immunization Administration Training Program is designed to rapidly train hundreds of thousands of pharmacy technicians across the U.S. to administer COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as child vaccinations.

Developed under the guidance of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this ACPE-accredited program is by far the most affordable, accessible and scalable program of its kind.

The turnkey solution was designed for both large-scale pharmacy chains and independent pharmacies. NPTA’s Pharmacy Technician Immunization Administration Training Program is designed to train technicians thoroughly and efficiently—enabling the rapid deployment of vaccines to the public.
Program Highlights
  • Affordable. NPTA's program offers premium quality, ACPE-accredited training for technicians at a fraction of the cost of other providers. 
  • Accessible. There's no need to attend a live seminar or even pre-scheduled Zoom calls. The entire program is able to be accessed and completed on your timeline and your schedule. 
  • Efficient: Technicians enrolled in the program are required to complete 8 hours of coursework: 6 hours online + 2 hours of hands-on training (4 hours for Massachusetts), including two skill validations. You can be trained and prepared to begin administering vaccines within days.
  • ACPE-Accredited: Developed with HHS guidance under the PREP Act, the program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) for 8 contact hours (10 for Massachusetts)
How This Course Works
Participants must complete six separate online learning modules (totaling five hours), each comprised of a recorded webinar and a module quiz. A score of 70% or higher is required for each quiz. After completing the self-study modules, participants must complete documented hands-on training and complete skill validations demonstrating proficiency.

Hands-On Training + Validations
Do you have a pharmacist on staff certified to give immunizations? If so, you can have the pharmacist validate your technicians' training hours and skill validations on-the-job. We will provide you with all the necessary forms and the instructions for your pharmacist/proctor. For the skill validations, technicians will be required to administer two injections (of sterile NaCl 0.9%) to the pharmacist/proctor - one subQ and one IM injection.

Training products are not included.
You can either order them from your wholesaler or we also offer individual training kits for purchase.

Note for Massachusetts: To ensure that NPTA's Immunization Administration Training Program fully complies with the requirements set forth in Massachusetts, we have added "Part III" to our program for pharmacy technicians practicing in Massachusetts. Part III will consist of two additional hours of LIVE hands-on training, as well as an additional exam. This will bring the total of ACPE-accredited hours to 6 hours of self-study and 4 hours of live training. The additional two hours have been accredited as UAN 0384-0000-21-007-L06-T. There is no additional charge for this.

Program Modules

  • Vaccine Preventable Diseases
  • Pharmacy-Based Immunization Services
  • Storage and Handling of Vaccine Inventory and Supplies
  • ​Vaccine Administration
  • ​Vaccine Safety and Vaccine Adverse Events
  • ​Increasing Awareness of Immunization Services
  • Vaccine Administration Hands-On Training & Skills Assessment

Minimum Required Training Supplies (per technician)*

  • 3 x 10mL sterile NaCl 0.9% vials
  • 22 x 1mL Leur-Lok syringes
  • 11 x 25G 5/8" needles
  • 11 x 25G 1" needles
  • ​Alcohol prep pads
  • ​Gauze pads 2"x2" or larger
  • ​​Bandages
  • ​Nitrile gloves
  • ​​​Injection pad simulator or chicken breast(s) with skin
  • ​Sharps container

*An individual training kit is available for $39; it includes S/H and all required training supplies listed above, excluding a sharps container and injection pad simulator/chicken breast which can easily be purchased.

PT Immunization course for Technicians
Training for 1 technician 
$149 each.
  • Module 1. Vaccine Preventable Diseases
  • Module 2. Pharmacy-Based Immunization Services
  • Module 3. Storage and Handling of Vaccine Inventory and Supplies
  • Module 4. Vaccine Administration
  • Module 5.  Vaccine Safety and
    Vaccine Adverse Events
  • Module 6.  Increasing Awareness of Immunization Services
  • Module 7: Vaccine Administration Hands-On Training & Skills Assessment
  •  BONUS: Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Essentials
  •  BONUS: Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Essentials
100% is hard to beat...

100% of our students say:

they would recommend our programs to others!   

*Source: 2019-2020 Certificate Course Evaluation

*Source: 2019-2020 Certificate Course Evaluation

100% of our students say our programs:

  • Enhanced their professional knowledge base;
  • ​Increased their technical proficiencies;
  • ​Will improve their pharmacy practice outcomes.
*Source: 2019-2020 Certificate Course Evaluation
Pharmacy Technician Immunization Administration - Part I

6.0 contact hours 0384-9999-20-028-H06-T

Release Date: 12/21/2020
 Expiration Date: 12/21/2023

Pharmacy Technician Immunization Administration - Part II

2.0 contact hours 0384-9999-20-029-L06-T
Release Date: 12/21/2020
 Expiration Date: 12/21/2023

Pharmacy Technician Immunization Administration - Part III

2.0 contact hours 0384-0000-21-007-L06-T
Release Date: 01/12/2021 
Expiration Date: 01/12/2024

The National Pharmacy Technician Association (NPTA) is accredited by the Accreditation

Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.
Register Now & Save up to 25%
Please note: This course is non-refundable and non-transferable.
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